Sold Selling OO Day 1 full legendary acc + twice-told + pvp wings, 10x80s, 90k+ net. $500 obo

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by VetsGW2, 11/29/16.

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  1. VetsGW2

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    Selling Price: $500 (Or Best Offer Received by 12/14/2016)
    Payment Method Options: PayPal, BTC, Western Union, Venmo, Chase QuickPay, Money Order, Cash In Person (if possible), etc (ask about your preferred method)
    Middle-Man: Can and will be used if requested, all fees for a MM and any fees associated with the transaction on top of the agreed upon price you will cover.

    It is time that I get rid of this account once and for all as I have not even touched it at all in the past few months and no longer have a machine capable of running the game efficiently.

    YOU WILL RECEIVE: GW2 Account, E-mail Account that is attached, GW1 Account that is attached, Physical Game Keys (If you want, if not I can send pictures), Every other bit of info I can think of

    Major Account Highlights!
    All First Generation Legendary Weapons! (Sunrise and Twilight combined into Eternity, +1 extra Incinerator for Twice-Told Legend Title)
    90k+ Net worth
    (fluctuates between 85-125k due to skins)
    All Permanent Contracts! (Perma Hair, Bank Access, Personal TP, Personal Merchant, Mystic Forge Conduit)
    10 Level 80's! (1 of every profession, plus one extra Warrior)
    Rare Character Names (One character in particular, 4 letter name of a famous movie character, gets constant praises)
    Rank 80 PvP (Will be able to make the Legendary Wings after next season starts! Already have the ascended wings)
    Tons of ascended armor/weapons/trinkets to make any combo of stats you like on any profession
    Pre-release GW2 account with GW2 Hat as well! TONS OF OTHER GEM ITEMS (Perma gathering tool set, tons of costumes, items, finishers, mail carriers, etc)
    Fully unlocked Bank (extra bag slots on various characters as well) +250 to bank stack items as well
    HoT Special Edition (HoT areas explored and most metas have been completed)
    Good amount of all Dungeon Tokens
    TONS AND TONS OF FASHION SKINS! (lots of rare gem skins as well)
    2 Gifts of Exploration + 500+ Obby Shards + 100 Clovers (enough to make two more legendaries, all it needs is the other items)
    500+ gold in mats, 200+ gold in wallet
    Legendary PvP Wings

    What this account is lacking:
    Not done very much PvE, (Highest story level is only high 70's)
    Fractal level not maxed, only about level 10
    Living Story stuff (done very minimal amount of true pve)

    This account was mainly used for PvP/WvW and even then mostly all dueling! When I did play I normally just dueled people and played the trading post to gain my wealth. You are not buying a super maxed out account in terms of overall completion so if you are looking for a complete pve account this is not the place! This is a very well stacked account in terms of wealth and items. It has lots of the rare and limited edition skins and items from over the years.

    With this account you can jump into any single game mode and be well equipped for anything! The map is fully unlocked on several characters but again this was not a major pve focused account, most map completion characters I used to make the legendaries were deleted and recycled.

    Will provide any information, pictures, screen shares, proof of ID and more upon request, just ask!!

    I expect you to provide proof of Identification as well depending on what kind of payment method you want to go with.

    Again, any questions or anything just pm or post here!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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