Selling (OO) ArcheAge Vanity / Trading master account B200, Farm Freighter, 180k Fish

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fred thornton, 11/27/17.

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  1. fred thornton

    fred thornton
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    WTS my ArcheAge account. Too much change in the game and not interested in playing into 4.0 after another fresh start has become legacy so soon.

    This account is NOT high GS (Most are between 3.5k-4.2k), but it is a master trading account and has vanity items + 83 days play time left.

    Here are some of the highlights : (Only listing the vanity/trading item perks as the GS are not high enough to sell as a high end pvp account)


    Level 55 Cleric (And multiple other 50+ Archemaster classes) - Aranzeb

    Rampage B200 (From $150 pack)
    Farm Freighter
    2 16x16 Farms in Windscour
    Moonsand Fox pet (From $150 pack)
    83 days of patron time left


    Level 50 Ranger - Aranzeb
    4.288 GS
    18 Player Appreciation Coins (Used for some permanent items at the Composition workbench)


    Level 54 Darkrunner - Conviction
    Eznan Cutter


    Level 55 Nuian - Tempest
    180k Fishing
    (Farm up to 3+ Apex per week simply afk fishing or start sport fishing)

    Account easily has around $400+ invested

    Asking $100 or whatever someone is willing to offer in that ballpark.

    Will be happy to discord/skype or what you feel is neccessary to secure the account on your end and make sure all email information and such is changed for you. Also available for any future assistance you may need (Happy to provide phone number if text is needed)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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