Sold Selling Omegamon server lv72 with AO lv99

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shakugan16, 5/6/17.

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  1. shakugan16

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    due to working and busy to play.

    Digimon that i have :

    1. Dorumon lv99 = 5/5,127% with cloned 13,7,4,5 not pf ( Jogress unlocked )
    2. Dracomon blue lv76 = 5/5 126% with cloned 6 on at only
    3. Ryudamon lv99 = 3/5 87% with cloned 3 on at and 3 on crit

    Good item :

    1. Digimon Archive x1
    2. Mode Selector x1
    3. Jogress 1day cb x6
    4. Aura 1day cb x2
    5. Jogress 7day x5 cb
    6. Jogress 15day x6 cb
    6. Jogress 30day x2 cb
    7. Hatch backup x6
    8. v-mon veedramon egg 5/5

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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