Rarity: Rare Sorrow Thirst Demon Dagger -------- Dagger Quality: +20% (augmented) Physical Damage: 167-489 (augmented) Critical Strike Chance: 8.97% (augmented) Attacks per Second: 1.47 (augmented) Weapon Range: 8 -------- Requirements: Level: 68 Dex: 76 Int: 149 (unmet) -------- Sockets: R-B-G -------- Item Level: 78 -------- 40% increased Global Critical Strike Chance -------- 227% increased Physical Damage Adds 24 to 44 Physical Damage 22% increased Attack Speed 38% increased Critical Strike Chance +34% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier +65 to Accuracy Rating -------- Mirrored Have this beauty for sale, seems to be around 100 ex at market price, looking for 75$ + 20 ex. or some combination of cash + exalts. (If you are repped I am fine with going first.) Verified paypal only, or if in canada, etransfers are also acceptable. If interested plz post here or PM me.