Sold Selling Old RS3 accounts cheap

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by tomka58, 12/10/16.

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  1. tomka58

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    Hello all, I want to sell my old RS3 accounts because I don't play this game anymore.

    This was my main account but it's quite empty because I got scammed and it was my fault(It wasn't #, I just left my account logged in public place), anyway it was more than few years ago since I stopped playing runescape and no one logged into my account since 2011 so it's safe also account had ban in 2011 because I was selling gold :D anyway ban already expired and ban meter is at safe position.Price is #.

    My second main account.Played only F2P, have transfered all items and gold to my first main account and losed them after my first main was scammed, so now it's also quite empty.Price is #.

    Another account, created it mainly for skilling.Want 8€.

    BTW first two accounts are with email and I will change it to yours when you buy it, and last account are withouth email.

    I prefer Skrill but also I can accept Paypal.Contact here or skype takomas1.I won't go first unless you have high reputation and anyway prices are not high and accounts are not so amazing so I have no point to scam.
    #1 tomka58, 12/10/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/18/18
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