Selling Selling Old Luke and Padme SAW!

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 6/16/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hi everybody! Today I want to sell my two cards:

    Old Luke proper 4/7 (atk: 12397, def:12542) for $60

    Padme proper SAW 4/7 (atk: 11280, def:11643) for $55

    $110 for both Old Luke+Padme

    The steps will be:

    1) We become ally;

    2) I'll send the trade, just to certify that I have the cards;

    3) I'll give to you my e-mail, you'll send to me the money via PayPal, in "I'm sending money to: Family or Friends" tab;

    4) Add a message where you certify that you had understood that are virtual goods and that there will be no refunds. Write also IGN and ID just to be sure;

    5) I'll accept the trade and we did it!

    Please send me a pm!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sold both. Closed.

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