Selling  Android and iOS  Average  Original Owner (Yes) SELLING OLD 2014 ACCOUNT WITH OLD FJORD - LIFETIME + 1.2K SC ON AIR STAR

Discussion in 'Star Stable Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by miungmiung, 1/3/25.

  1. miungmiung

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    Hi! Selling one of my old star stable accounts that I've had since January 2nd 2014.

    The first name is Alicia.
    Server is Air Star (Swedish server)
    Level is 24, halfway to 25. Still a lot decent amount of quests to do. Could easily get level 25

    Last two trailblazers complete.
    Lifetime with 1.2k starcoins atm
    34 horses

    Has a lot of old retired horses including old fjord.
    150k JS in light accumulated + Path of Whimsy, Terra and Runeology all maxed
    Has decent amount of clothes

    I want at least 120€ for it and i accept paypal. Please contact me on discord if you are interested, I will provide more screenshots per request!

    Discord: miungmiung
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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