Sold Selling og old account from just about when the game was released.

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Disconnecteddr, 6/3/23.

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  1. Disconnecteddr

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    Level 130 ice, 130-135 life character (not sure haven't been on in a while likely 133), mid level character with the best gear, and other random characters (with jewels for their school).

    - Over 10 castles across characters including many with pvp locations: massive fantasy palace, darkmoor castle, Botanical Gardens, Shinobi Dojo, Nomad’s Camp, Briny Deep Retreat and more including bountiful mine
    - Accursed playhouse gauntlet, wysteria spiral cup gauntlet, sinbad gauntlet, midnight sun pagoda, winterbane hall, grand tourney arena, Fantastic Voyage Expedition and more!
    - Top 3 rarest mount in the game charity noelephant
    - Triple double, and triple double mighty pets for both level 130+ Characters (life and ice) , and on another lower level character. + many unique pets on the ice.
    - 5+ Fog staffs and 5+ Amarathine Staffs, and an umbrea blade + more (very rare fishing wands). Lots of headmasters crystal wands as well
    - Prestigious robe, spooky carnival outfit, electric eel whip, and many other cool bundle/crowns items
    - 2% accuracy mount, 2% piercing mount, 2% damage mount, many 50+ speed mounts, hydra, skyreven, all the Omen Striborg mounts including ice skates, cloudstrider pegasus, the nightmare, cloud for every school, too many mounts to count.
    - Best level 130 gear in the game for ice, great gear for life too and the best gear for another lower-level character.
    - Couch potato 69+ already set up with the things it likes. Along with hundreds of mega snacks in baackpack ready to use. + More couch potatoes in bank + evil magma peas in bank

    Many other cool features too many to list.

    I'm sure many people will ask why I'm selling the account, so let me save you the time. I abhor the direction pvp has gone in since Ratbeard took over, the spellments, gear every 2 weeks, levels not being able to play etc, listening to a handful of peoples opinions and treating some schools unfairly. I know he won't leave the company for now and life is too short to wait. And I don't find the questline interesting enough to play for, nor the side activities so I've just hit the end of the road with this game.

    Message Discord - Disconnected#3910 if interested, or feel free to drop a discord username I can message as well.
    #1 Disconnecteddr, 6/3/23
    Last edited: 6/6/23
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  2. Skarm7780

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