Sold Selling Offering wide range of US/NA SSR accounts, from cheap to expensive!!!

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Saito197, 7/6/17.

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  1. Saito197

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    I'm offering some SSR account for sale. I accept trade offers for the cheap tier accounts but the 2x SSR are for Paypal only:

    Cheap tier:

    Artoria + Marie + Stheno => $8

    Vlad + Liz + d'Eon + IA => $2

    + Tama + Sakura => $8

    Jeanne + d'Eon + Tama + 2x Sakura => $10

    Vlad + Atalanta + Marie + Heracles + 2x Sakura => $10


    Waver + Artoria + Heracles + Liz + Sieg + IA => $40

    Artoria + Altera + 2x Tama + 2x Formal Craft + Kaleidoscope => $40

    Screenshots can be found on my reddit post here

    Even though I'm not a trusted seller on playerup because I've just joined, I have a good
    reddit Trade Preference here

    If you're interested in buying any of these please comment or leave a DM here or on reddit or at Saito#6125 on Discord. I will reply as soon as possible.

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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