Sold Selling Occultist lvl 75 300k might EU Tidewater 150€

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HatsuneMiku, 10/9/17.

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  1. HatsuneMiku

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    Selling occultist 300k might with full level 69 gears perhaps have 1 piece of 70+ gear for when reaches level 78, which is helmet, with Crit Increment stats. The account comes with the email I am keeping the info on minimum to make sure there wont be any trouble when will be sold!
    Few info:
    The account have all profession high level, which make easy to craft level 70 buff or any other item!
    Good dps and special skills are high level, almost maxed. The special skills tree are not all maxed, perhaps they are very high!
    +10 / 13 on most of gears
    Got enough aptitude and whismy to raise to level 79 in short time.
    PVP/PVE gems are mostly tier 3/4
    It also have 3 alts that can be used for farm funland or anything else.
    For more info/screenshot contact me here on playerup or by mail [email protected] you can also leave me ur discord name #ID so can contact u there. The price is 150€ as I said, as payment paypal gift.
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