Sold Selling Occultist Level 69 [Tidewater EU] Cheap with 5 alts (lvl 49)

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HatsuneMiku, 8/16/17.

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  1. HatsuneMiku

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    Selling my occultist Level 69 alongside the alts... The account currently is active so when will be bought might have more stuffs!! At the moment working on getting soul grind...
    1: Account have full gear level 69 - Demonslayer mostly, which is very good set for occultist, with full crit increment and crit bonus, except the offhand and the gloves, as they are handcrafted, with good blue stats! Crit increment mostly!
    2: PVP/PVE gems are mostly level 3 and 4
    3: 48/60 arcane skills
    4: Soul grind have unlocked most of statsù
    5: Kinda have lots of fashion!
    6: Being honest the special skills is not the strong point of this account, mostly the tree is still a bit low level sadly.
    7: Alongside the account there will be 5 alts, that can be used to farm funland each week. Is good resource of money, I am able to make more than 1m a week if sells everything I get from funland.


    Gears: Not showing all gears just few good pieces

    Skills/Special Skill:

    Soul Grid:

    Fashion +Mount/Wings


    For the price, will be negotiate if someone interested, since now im playing it, so might and ER will increase! and I will update this post!! if interested contact me on [email protected]
    Payment method is paypal gift! - Alongside the account you will also receive the mail where the account is associate with! This way the trade will be safer for the buyer
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