I have had this account since the OBT of Elsword Online in NA. My main was Raven (All 3 Ravens) so I have mostly Raven gear, but there's lots of room for leveling on the other 18 Non-Raven characters. I also dabbled in Ain when he was released, so there's 2 high leveled Ain characters. - 19/22 of my characters have a B slot (WS never needed one imo) - 2 level 99 Characters (1 Raven and 1 Ain) - 2 lvl 90+ Characters - 5 lvl 80+ Characters - El Resonance System Level at 84 - Lots of Raven Item Mall costumes and IB pieces. - 8/9 Henir Lord Raven set (No Hair) - 5/5 NBS Raven Set (Hair/Top/Bottom/Gloves/Shoes) - +9 Heroic Rank 29 Raven weapon with phys lvl 3 attribute (13,000 atk weapon) - Full +9 4 Piece lvl 85 Grendized and Enhanced Royal Guardian Secret Dungeon set (can be bankshared for any lvl 85 character on the account; very useful) - +8 4/4 Top bottom gloves shoes of Lvl 70 old Glitter Alchemist Secret Dungeon set (No goggles sadly) / Lvl 70 Glitter Alchemist +9 Weapon included for Raven (Raven will have 5/5 so he can awaken to Heal % HP in PVP and PVE) - 5/5 Royal Servant Chung set + RS Weapon for Chung (Can't be traded, but can be Bank-Shared. I also have 2 Chungs, TT and DC) - 9/9 Dark El Officer set for Ain (Can be bank shared and even sealed and traded if you don't want it) - Bank share already added to the account, so there's not much to worry about, you can trade the many mana necklaces I have between characters and Raven gear, etc. - There's Item Mall costumes for almost every character I have (or at least every type of character just about) - Most of my higher level equipment (70 ~ 90) is fully socketed and has elements/resistances. There are Skill Rings/Mana Necklaces/Element Resistance Rings/etc to use as well. With the current stuff that I have, anyone could be well equipped to reach SSS Rank or Star Rank in Arena. - I forgot to mention, there's 6,300 Kching to play with on the account still! Trying to make some money for College Books, so I'll be looking for only CASH offers. I have Paypal, and that's probably my preferred method of exchange. I'm hoping that I can trust someone with this account that I've spent 6 years on, so please provide CASH offers in this thread or in Personal Message. Thanks!