Sold [Selling] NW Account Main Character GWF 3,1k very well equipped + Toons!

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nowknownzed, 9/24/16.

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  1. Nowknownzed

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    Hi everyone! Today i'm selling my main account, since i have loads of stuff to do and i don't have material time to spend on this wonderful game. I've been playince since 2013, abandoned it in 2014 and restarted playing in March 2016, rapidly becoming one of the best GWF of the server (even with a 3,1k gear), surclassing various 3.7k+ GWF and only being overwhelmed by 4k+ Toons. The character is very solid, being most of the time top in paingiver list, with a very particular build (most of times we were doing runs with GB guild, one of the best in the server, and result didn't change :P).

    Now, speaking of important things:

    Account comes with:

    Main Account GWF (3,1 k):

    2 Epic Mounts (+2000 crit for every PG plus a +2000 Power Bind On PG mount)
    All Legendary Artifact Equipment
    Full Demogorgon Set
    3 Orange Artifacts (Wheel of Elements Full refined ready for mythic, Sigil of Controller Full refined, Lantern of Revelations) + One Epic Artifact (Orcus one, ready for Legendary)
    Pure Vorpal Enchantment
    Lesser SoulForged
    2x Azure, R10
    1xBrutal, R10
    82 Power Points
    All Campaigns done, except for the Module 10 one (need like some things to get 200 reputations and enter the new dungeon) with few boons missing in some campaign (last boon Tyranny of Dragons and last boon Icewind Dale)
    Legendary Zhentarim Warlock
    Epic Erynies (unlocked on the whole account)
    Epic Fire Archon
    Blue Air Archon
    Blue Dancing Sword
    + varius binded on pg companions in the bag like Young Yeti, Intellect Devourer, a Ioun Stone and Repentant Cultist.
    1xRank 11 Bonding Stone
    2xRank 10 Bonding Stone FULL REFINED ready for R11
    Every useful Mount Bonuses, like the Golden Giant Spider one activated
    VIP Rank 3 with 12 days still activated (i'll get every day the key so it won't be lost, don't worry)
    2x Coalescent Bond

    and few bucks of AD.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention i have 4 other PG's (HR, TR, DC at level 60)
    Every Pg has Leadership at 14 the lowest if i'm not mistaken, the main should be 18 or 19

    Other toons: CW SW Level 70 (both with Twysted Weapons except for sw [he has only main hand]) with low level gear BUT fully equipped (body boots etc.) and with Artifact Equipment (the SW also got Legendary ready to Mithyc Devoted Sigil Artifact).

    The price is set to € 100, considering various prices (1 M is approsimately € 11, Orcus now costs like 4 M Ad, plus the Various R10+ R11 which prizes are like 9/10 M) but we can negotiate if the price is too high :)
    Attached Thumbnails
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