Sold [Selling] Neverwinter PS4 custom ITEM ordering/discuss prices.

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by plozed, 9/22/16.

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  1. plozed

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    Well, there doesn't seem to new PS4 NW thread going here so I created one. Not too sure about pricing on PS4 but we can discuss pricing Here.

    I have Mailsmithing and Jewelcrafting 25.. and can sell other items too. Let's just discuss it.

    Skype: rsgoobs

    I am Plozed on playerup with 107 positive reviews and no negative feedback. You can message me on there for proof, would only take a few minutes to create an account.
    Here is a link to message me on one of my ESO PS4 offers(it's currently my market)

    It would be safest for me to create an offering there and then you order, but of course it will be more expensive due to fees placed on the seller. otherwise, I will have to take money upfront unless you have reviews.
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