Selling Selling - Navyfield Account - Kaiser Server Hello,...

Discussion in 'Navyfield Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Navyfield Accounts - Buy and Sell, 12/4/13.

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  1. Navyfield Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Selling - Navyfield Account - Kaiser Server Hello, I am selling my Navyfield account. Main Crew: UK BB5 w/ Nelson - 1x BO lvl 113.5 - Elite + Boosted 2x ACC Gunner lvl 113.5 - Elite + Boosted 3x Repairmen lvl 110.5 Elite + Boosted 1x Repairman lvl 103.5 +12 Boosted 3x Engineers lvl 110.75 Elite + Boosted 1x Restorer lvl 110 Boosted 1x Scout lvl 109.9 Boosted 2x AA Gunners lvl 67.5 Boosted Other Sailors - lvl 70+ US BO Yorktown Line lvl 60+ KM BO 2x lvl 60+ KM Gunners Boosted 2x lvl 70ish KM AA Gunners lvl 50+ KM BO lvl 40ish KM support crew Items include: 2x Elite Bombers Dunkerque HQ Expansion 212 Mil Credits 20 mil points Ships in dock: BB2, BB1, Nelson Left out specifics of sailors for my protection. If you need more information pm me or respond here. BUY IT NOW = $400 Bidding Starts at $250
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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