Selling Naval Rank Grind Cutter or Vette $200 US each or $350 for both

Discussion in 'Elite Dangerous Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RockRyderED, 8/23/17.

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  1. RockRyderED

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    Naval rank progression for your character to unlock the ship of your choosing or both of them, whatever you prefer. Each ship will take a few days screen time as the grind is real and the rank up missions take some time as well. This is less than half the normal asking price for this service. I see prices as high as $600 US per ship for this around the web.

    Back by surprisingly popular demand. This particular service seems to be the one thing that everyone seems to like.

    Some additional details this time around. Your account will end up either with the base model of the ship you choose, or enough additional credits to buy your chosen ship. You will always end up with more credits than you started with, even after the purchase of your new ship. Efficient mechanics dictate the need for ranger level or above to facilitate the rank grind for either ship. This exploration rank grind, if needed, is included in the price and will be of tremendous value to your character as you continue to play the game.
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