Description Blade Master Jin Female Fire build (max) Lighting build (stage1) lvl55 HM16 BT acc awakened stage 3 missing scales for upgrade VT necklace stage 10 to awakened necklace stage 3 Max new heart. Max new bracelet Max new belt PVP gear (ascendant weapon stage 6 and beluga soulshields) Ready for TT with max crit soulshields. Founder Master Pack account with the weapon skin without use. Account played since CBT 1. SINGLE OWNER! 9 alts (each class, all females) 3 alts with raven weapon (wl,gunr,kfm) the rest with baleful and seraph. Wind KFM with BT accs and VT badge (vt and bt soulshields ) Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Price is 300$ -Add me via Discord: NickLast#5865