Have a cheap account for sale. I am the original owner. I have completely quit the game due to work and other interests so I figured it would be better to let someone else play it. I am asking $250 via paypal or PM me with your best offer. Please be reasonable. Stat - https://puu.sh/ublvn/61ee18c70a.png Baleful Axe Stage 4 - https://puu.sh/ublvU/7e6c1e185a.png Oath Necklace Stage 7 - https://puu.sh/ublwQ/5721735100.png Loyal Otter Pet - https://puu.sh/ublx9/76fd805ba7.png Premium Rank 9 - https://puu.sh/ublqu/fd13159701.png Inventory - https://puu.sh/ublps/4356d39c6d.png Storage #1 - https://puu.sh/ubloM/f2bf8cb1ae.png Storage #2 - https://puu.sh/ubloB/d0630e46f5.png Hongmoon Skills #1 - https://puu.sh/ublrB/8a4eb3abc5.png Hongmoon Skills #2 - https://puu.sh/ublrS/796337fcf8.png