Sold Selling {na} wts day 1 account lvl 60 warrior 250$

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by unnuagerose, 5/4/17.

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  1. unnuagerose

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    WTS my Black Desert Online Account, reason is I don't have time to invest in the game anymore.
    Main is Warrior level 60 which has the limited Title <Destroyer of Dreams>.
    You can see gear in the pictures *note it doesn't seem that great but the overall value is over 2B*
    All weight and multiples inventories has been bought from Cash Shop + pets many Costume Sets, Shark set/Processing set and we go on.

    As you can see in the pictures, I was going for TRI: red coral earrings X2 which is something you might need since my build is an evasion DR build for upcoming pvp patch. *you could sell Kutum and
    get Nouver*

    One thing that is really nice about the account is the afk money.
    As you can see Epheria's my afk money town which I produce afk Balenos Fishing rods over there. *That money making method is around 300-500m per week depending on your ressources.

    *velia bank is missing some items in the picture they are not too shabby but its enchanting materials.

    I am the original owner which when you'd be buying the acc E-mail and password will be yours. *E-mail has already been swap so its a new E-mail which saves you time.

    If you have questions or you are interested in buying my account you can contact me on playerup or on Discord ****Night#2109
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