Selling [NA - Vengeance] Lvl 35 + Level 32 - CHEAP

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Phomatic, 1/4/17.

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  1. Phomatic

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    I am wanting to sell my ArcheAge account. Brand new with the 3.0 launch. As of this post there are 27 remaining days of Patronage left (equal to almost $15) as well as over 650 credits.

    As it stands I have two characters on Vengeance, one of which is a level 35 Demonologist and the other is a level 32 Darkrunner.

    Current sitting at 40 Loyalty Points, 300+ Tax Certs, 20+ Gold overall, among other smaller things.

    I'm looking for offers, send PM here. We can use a middleman and split the cost of it if need be. Thanks.
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