Sold Selling [na-uno] cheap 56 ranger, tri Kzarka, tree armor, bheg gloves (without e-mail)

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Isoke, 10/19/16.

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  1. Isoke

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    Selling cheap 56 Ranger with TRI: Kzarka, DUO: Ultimate Steel Dagger, DUO: Ultimate 2 Heve/2 Grunil, +11 Hebe Tree Armor and +9 Bheg Gloves in storage + over 80 million liquid silver ready to be spent.

    I cannot have the e-mail changed since the game was originally gifted to me and I cannot reach the original gifter of the account so keep that in mind when purchasing.

    Only accepting offers from epic members and above.

    Account also comes with Conquerer's Pack, 283 energy, 221 contribution, 9 alts with decent lvling gear, a few T1 pets, pearl items, a good T6 horse with horse gear, costumes and other goodies.

    Asking price: ~80$ (or contact me with offers)

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