Sold Selling [NA] [TR] Level 61 Valkyrie And level 65 ninja 426 Ilvl /200,000 gold innerw

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Singularityx, 4/24/17.

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  1. Singularityx

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    Hey, since i quit tera &nbsp;id like to sell my character with a level 61 valkyrie and my main (level 65 ninja) with an item level of 426.<br>The account contains 3 characters/ a ninja/valkyrie and a brawler( the brawler is level 65 but has no items dont ask why)<br>The ninja is FULL +12 guile, a 20+ crit factor innerwear, an 20+ crit tier 4 etching on the gloves, an +15 Imperator weapon with tier 2 etchings and perfect rolls<br>The best jewlery in the game with the best rolls, Dakyruon's bane title, An imperator belt with perfect rolls, ( also perfect rolls on every item)<br>an 30k gold costume, and a 10k gold shuriken skin. In the bank there is about 25,000 gold, 3500 tier 10 feedstock, 3000 tier 11 feedstock, some mats for vm8(2 lady's handkerchefs)<br>alot of masterwork alkahest, extensive and premium alkahast, alot of mats for imperator equipment and alot of other good stuff, theres some skillshots:<br> &nbsp;; For more screenshots/information about the account/characters or if you have anything specific to ask my skype is:<br>Shemeta.998 (the name should show as ''Nasko Aries'' after you search Shemeta.998.<br>The only payment i accept is paypal, or if you would like to trade me ingame/tera gold for the account i dont mind either. You can offer me a price in skype/or here<br>Thank you for reading,&nbsp;<br>Sincerly,<br><br>
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