Sold Selling [NA-Snowpine] lvl69 VG with 135k GS.

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by honeydrink, 4/26/17.

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  1. honeydrink

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    Lvl 69 Vanguard with 135k GS w/ Founders Pack.

    3m Gold, 2k TRADABLE aurum, lvl 50 and 4 lvl60 gear all crafted or synthesized (all +10 and 50%+). Soul Grid looks pretty solid.

    I've been pretty noob and hoarded a bunch of points that I haven't spent (lol) so you have plenty of space to buy lvl 3+ marks and stuff once you level up from Auros Cav 3

    Demonslayer Rank 7, 31pt Cultivation, etc etc, PM me for more info/screenshots/price.

    EDIT: Has a Spirit Shaper (40's) alt with full gold gear, working on getting it to 59.
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