Sold Selling NA-Snowpine, lv59 Occultist, 93k GS

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by honeydrink, 3/27/17.

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  1. honeydrink

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    Trying to sell my lvl59 occultist, around 93k gs!
    It can go higher easily but I just have no time to do dailies & etc loool
    Lvl 50 rings & offhand, +10 main hand, Life skills chpt3.
    20k Bronze shards, 150k Coins, 90k notes... has a stat reset if you wanted a different build.
    Explorer pack.

    I only accept paypal, PM me for my skype!
    I'm not looking for much, just a quick sell so I can go on with my life aka college
    This post will be up until I sell it.
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