Sold Selling [NA] Selling Best FGO 5*Starter Acc: Gil+Vlad+Artoria

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vincentvn, 7/10/17.

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  1. Vincentvn

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    I'm offering Starter Account Service for Fate Grand Order game with the best Characters. If you looking for a specfic characters, just send me a Message on Facebook or playerup

    Account Delivery Time: Under 30 seconds

    [US] Account #4 Price: 75$
    3 x 5* Servant: Gilgamesh , Artoria, Vlad III
    4 x 4* Servant: Hercules, Lancelot, Carmila, Stheno
    1 x 5* Essense: Limited/Zero over
    9 x 4* Essense:
    More info: Did x 20 Summons. No Story Touch. Free 4* Servant Ticket used for Hercules. One of the Strongest Characters: Gilgamesh and Two best servant: Artoria and Vlad III. One of the Strongest 5* Essense: Limited/Zero over and Best 4* Servant 10/10: Hercules

    All Payment via Paypal

    I will be available almost all the time 18 hours/day from 9 pm - 3 pm EST, 6 pm - 1 pm PST. If you can't get in touch with me instantly on facebook , leave me a message on Forum.

    My facebook: Kim do jin
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