Looking to sell my main on the Reckoning server. 200k honor, 50k vocation, 6k+ gear score, 3200 gold, and much much more. There is a quick list of my gear below as well as an imgur gallery of screenshots. B/O: $800 C/O: $500 Imgur Gallery Ship: Merchant Schooner (MYTHIC) Weapon: Ayanad Lake Scepter (Divine) (3-slot Focus) Bow: Wanderer's Hymn (Celestial) (5-slot Magic Pen) (1-slot Magic Attack) Flute: Forgotten Wayfarer (Divine) (6-slot Magic Pen) (1-slot Magic Attack) Head: Arenzeb's Gemfast Circlet (Legendary) Necklace: Archeum Evernight Necklace (Epic) (Rank 11) Chest: Corrupted Kyrios Shirt (Divine) (7-slot Resilience) Wrists: Shadow Warrior's Shadows (Divine) (4-slot Physical Defense) Waist: Corrupted Kyrios Sash (Divine) (3-slot Physical Defense) (1-slot Frigid Tracks Cast Time) Legs: Kindled Passion Pants (Divine) (6-slot Toughness) Feet: Corrupted Kyrios Shoes (Divine) (3-slot Physical Defense) (2-slot Move Speed) Cloak: Ayanad Twintail Cloak (Legendary) Earring: Magnificent Wave Earring (Celestial) Ring: Augmented Dream Ring (Unique) Ring: Epherium Life Ring (Divine) Glider: Enhanced Rocket Wings #2 Costume: Magic Basic Costume (Legendary) Undergarments: Magic Black Pearl Undergarments (Legendary) (4-slot Magic Pen) Mount: Earthern Roar Pet: Violet Bloomfang