3646 GearScore Faction: East Race: Warborn Skills: ShadowPlay-55 BattleRage- 55 Auramancy- 55 Gear- http://imgur.com/a/6vJ7L Additional Information: Has Mistsong unique bow. Cogwheel Longboard. FarmWagon. Clipper. 211 Gilda Stars in inventory. 350 magical garden powder for when prices rise. Will be 15g each. 3 Lucky sunpoints. Gazebo and 16x16 in Windscour Prime spots. Thatched in DiamondShores and a 16x16 Demo being held by an alt. about 25 days of patron left. x2 Alts with about 30k Labor to spend between the both of them. Proficiency: http://imgur.com/a/B3a6a Pets: White Reindeer- Level 50+ Regular Battlepet - Level 50+ Blue Tiger- Level 50+ Donkey - Level 30+ Taking offers.