Sold [Selling] NA Paragon 6405 Account

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lucasdiablo, 11/9/18.

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  1. lucasdiablo

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    NA Server Non Season Account
    Para 6405

    LOTS of Screenshots can be found here
    lucasd3's albums - Imgur

    Account can be purchased securely here

    NA Paragon 6405 Top Tier Account | ID 141940425 | playerup

    This is my personal account that I have had since D3's launch. I have played this account a whole lot in the last few years, but it is time to move on and let someone else take over this account. I have a lot of very top tier gear, and gem levels. This account is more than capable of pushing top leaderboard ranks in groups, and solo. I have geared up up pretty much any # build for solo & Group play.
    I have a lot of crafting materials already on here so you will be able to make any build you want.
    I have taken screenshots of a lot of the best gear on my account, but there is a lot included that is not screenshotted. Lots of very rolled ancients and primals for many builds. account account still has a name change available. I have tried to put as much information in here as possible, but if you have any questions about the account please do not hesitate to contact me. I am open to reasonable offers.

    This account already has a bunch of leaderboard clears which can be seen here
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Account comes with Overwatch & Destiny 2.

    Kanais Cube - Everything worthwhile is unlocked.

    ---Builds I have ready to go---

    Comdemn Crusader
    Crusader RGK
    Multishot Demon Hunter
    Impale Demon Hunter
    N6M4 Demon Hunter
    Starpact Wizard Group (Blackhole & Normal)
    Starpact Wizard Solo
    Lightning Wizard with Primal Manald Heal ring
    Thorns Necromancer RGK (Rathma & Inarius)
    Rathma Speeds DPS Necromancer With 10 Mill+ Sheet DPS
    Wave of Light Monk (Rift & GR Push)
    HOTA Barb
    Rat Speeds Barbarian
    Firebats Witch Doctor
    Helltooth Gargs Witch Doctor

    ---Gem Levels---

    Bane of the Trapped 144
    Zei's Stone of Vengence 144
    Bane of the Stricken 140
    Taeguk 140
    Enforcer 139
    Molten Wildbeest's Gizzard 133
    Bane of the Powerful 126
    Simplicity's Strength 124
    Red Soul Shard 124
    Moratorium 122
    Pain Enhancer 122
    Wreath of Lightning 123
    Invigorating Gemstone 123
    Gem of Ease 122
    Gogok of Swiftness 123
    Boyarsky's Chip 125
    Gem of Efficacious Toxin 122
    Esoteric Alteration 100
    Mutilation Guard 100
    Ice Blink 50
    Boon of the Horder 50

    ---Augment gems---

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet


    Veiled Crystal 408,417
    Arcane Dust 402,295
    Reusable Parts 549,317
    Forgotten Souls 631,486
    Death's breath 262,730
    Bounty Mats 5,600+ Each
    GR Keys 3000

    All Menagerist Pets Unlocked
    All stash tabs unlocked

    ---Level 70 Characters---

    Crusader 1
    Demon Hunter 2
    Wizard 2
    Necromancer 3
    Monk 2
    Barbarian 1
    Witch Doctor 2
    & 1 level 1 WD Holding A stash Tab full of Aug Gems (Mostly 120+)

    Heere is some screenshots of all wings,portraits, and pennants on the account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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