Selling NA Kraken Server Account level 55 Requiem some stuff can't be obtained anymore

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SquirrelWifNutz, 1/16/17.

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  1. SquirrelWifNutz

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    Okay so first off, pricing. I am very serious about this as I met my girlfriend on this game but I just don't have the time to play it anymore so I figured I'd sell it off so someone else can make great use of it as they see fit. Prices will be #, I ask that you pay me first, I do not scam, never have I scammed. Nor will I in the future. Anyway, I am asking at least 400-600USD via PayPal. if you are interested in making this happen, continue reading.

    - Items: I have 44 Gilda Stars to my name, 895 Basic Wave Lunarite(I did Handicrafting before I quit), 2 login badges, 253 Warrior Medals, 166 Merit Badges and 3 Merit Badge Instruments(Heavy Base Lute, Shamisen, Banjo) and the Battlerage Instrument from Warrior Medals, 121 Chrome Submarine Design Scrap(79 more scraps and you get a free Chrome Submarine design, 15 1k(bound) Worker's Compensation pots or 15000Labor Points/ 2.3k gold

    - Land: I have 2 plots of Land in the game, 1 in Ahnimar, a 24x24 Gazebo, perfect for larders or whatever you need to be done on it. And a 28x28 Cherry Treehouse in Dewstone Plains up the road from Roysters Camp. Not fully decorated but furnished nicely, contains 1 basic storage chest(barely used) a wicker bed(free labor every day) A gemcutters workbench increasing handicraft proficiency by 10-15k and a Sugarplum Fairy Music Box which increases Handicraft another 5k. 20k total, 400-500gold worth for just those 2 furnishings

    - Boats: I have all boats except the Enoan Galleon/Speed Boat, my merchant schooner is equipped with 22 slots instead of just 20, and 2 celestial sails. My cutter has 1 celestial shield, 1 celestial sail, and 1 grand figurehead(recently broke the divine figurehead) but the entire rest of the boat is Divine. I have a Celestial Propeller on my Fishing Boat and I have a heroic clipper with a heroic propellant. My alternate character has the Lutesong Junk in all basic components.

    - Gear: My main account(In screenshots) Has Soulforged Pants(Celestial), the rest is T4 Celestial Obsidian Cloth Armor. A Soulforged Lute(Celestial) a T4 Obsidian Staff(Celest) And a Soulforged Bow(Max cast time reduction gems on it and again, Celestial). I have an Epic Delphinad Cloak with some survivability/sustain rolls. A divine evernight archeum necklace(Rank 10). My alternate account is missing some celestial obsidian weapons but there is full set of grand obsidian plate, celestial obsidian plate and a heroic Grimghast Set. My main also has the Dragon Cultist Duster costume on a basic costume(Arcane)

    - Pets/Mounts: I have a Farm Freighter, 4000-6000g worth in items to make it all the way there. I have a couple level 55 basic game obtainable mounts. And a battle hound as well as the turkey(may or may not be obtainable anymore)

    - Unique/Unobtainable Items: My alternate character has the Celestial Kitsu, was removed and it's not known if it'll be available again. Main has the Razer Snek(Promotional Pet) The Broom Glider(Upgraded).

    - Skills/Proficiencies: My main proficiencies were Commerce(180k) Handicraft(60k) and Larceny(40-50k). As for combat skills, all skill trees are level 50 or higher, half are 55, abyssal sorcery is level 54, the items to upgrade it to 55 once achieved are in the warehouse.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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