Selling [NA-Kraken-Haranya] Lvl 55 Darkrunner - 5.7k GS - 300$

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Krakenage, 4/30/17.

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  1. Krakenage

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    Divine Epherium Flame set, with warrior medal piece fillers, most fully socketed and gemmed. Have a divine T5 1h obsidian sword with a cold anguish offhand (fully socketed). I have the dream ring, ynys guardian ring. I have a legendary cape with rerolled stats for darkrunners. 5.7k gearscore with divine buff. Not much gold on hand, but have 4 pages on inbox mail of stuff including gazeebos, upgraded farmhouse, 8x8s, pretty much every structure except anything larger than a 28x28. Many exclusive mounts, exclusive decorations, and 400+ of storage from chests, upgraded timber coupe, upgraded speedboat, farm freighter, longboard that is upgraded, and merchant schooner. My European character on the same account has a lot of gold, enough to go patron for a couple months, along with a farmhouse, a gazeebo, and other farms, all skill sets lvl 55 and mastery in battlerage. Asking $400 via paypal, and will provide more information / screenshots of things upon request.
    ***Price Drop $350***
    ***Price Drop $300***
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