Sold Selling [ NA, Global ] Starter Accounts update 30 Jun 17

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by letsza, 6/30/17.

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  1. letsza

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    Hi ! I'm selling Fate Grand/Order Accounts.
    no hacks, using different IP-Addresses to reroll every hour. No Bans so far!
    - only played the Tutorial.
    - works both on iOS & Android. [Global] aka. [NA] Server
    - tier-list is based on the Japanese Wiki, ranged from SS, S, A, B, C .


    [​IMG] (SS) Waver - Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II ) - Accounts

    ID: 03 [screens] 15$
    1x 5* Servant: Waver
    1x 4* Servant: Elisabeth Bathory
    Craft Essences: Primeval Curse x2, Gem Magecraft: Antumbra, Verdant Sound of Destruction

    ID: 05 [screens] 15$
    1x 5* Servant: Waver
    1x 4* Servant: Stheno
    Craft Essences: The Imaginary Element x2, Angel's Song, Divine Banquet

    ID: 07 [screens] 19$
    1x 5* Servant: Waver
    2x 4* Servant: Martha, Tamamo Cat
    Craft Essences: Iron-Willed Training, Angel's Song, Primeval Curse

    [FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial]ID: 08 [[URL='']screens[/URL]] [COLOR=#ee82ee]10$[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffa500]1x 5* Servant:[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffd700] Waver[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffa500]1x 4* Servant:[/COLOR] [FONT=arial][COLOR=#ffd700]Siegfried[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffffff]Craft Essences:[/COLOR] [FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][COLOR=#ffd700]Imaginary Around[/COLOR], [FONT=arial]Gem Magecraft: Antumbra, [FONT=arial]Divine Banquet, [FONT=arial]Angel's Song

    [FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial]ID: 09 [[URL='']screens[/URL]] [COLOR=#ee82ee]24$[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffa500]1x 5* Servant:[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffd700] Waver[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffa500]3x 4* Servant:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffd700][FONT=arial]Chevalier d'Eon, [/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=arial][COLOR=#ffd700][FONT=arial]Emiya, [/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#ffd700][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial]Carmilla[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=arial]
    [COLOR=#ffffff]Craft Essences:[/COLOR] [FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][COLOR=#ffd700]Heaven's Feel[/COLOR], [FONT=arial][FONT=arial]Projection x2, [FONT=arial]The Imaginary Element, [FONT=arial]Verdant Sound of Destruction

    [FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial]ID: 10 [[URL='']screens[/URL]] [COLOR=#ee82ee]10$[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffa500]1x 5* Servant:[/COLOR][COLOR=#ffd700] Waver[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#ffa500]1x 4* Servant:[/COLOR] [FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial][FONT=arial]Chevalier d'Eon[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]


    [​IMG] (S) Jeanne d'Arc - Accounts


    ID: 13 [screens] 45$
    2x 5* Servant: Jeanne, Vlad III
    3x 4* Servant: Lancelot, Elisabeth Bathory x2
    Craft Essences: Heaven's Feel,Verdant Sound of Destruction, Gandr, The Imaginary Element

    ID: 06 [screens] 10$
    1x 5* Servant: Jeanne
    1x 4* Servant: Chevalier d'Eon
    Craft Essences: Verdant Sound of Destruction, Primeval Curse, Divine Banquet, Angel's Song x2

    ID: 11 [screens] 10$
    1x 5* Servant: Jeanne
    1x 4* Servant: Chevalier d'Eon
    Craft Essences: Be Elegant, Primeval Curse, Divine Banquet, Gandr, Verdant Sound of Destruction


    [​IMG] (A) Artoria Pendragon - Accounts

    ID: 04 [screens] 5$
    1x 5* Servant: Artoria Pendragon
    1x 4* Servant: Chevalier d'Eon
    Craft Essences: Primeval Curse x2, The Imaginary Element, Angel's Song


    [​IMG] (A) Attila - Accounts

    ID: 14 [screens] 6$
    1x 5* Servant: Altera
    3x 4* Servant: Chevalier d'Eon, Marie Antoinette, Martha
    Craft Essences: The Imaginary Element, Gem Magecraft: Antumbra, Iron-Willed Training


    [​IMG] (S) Vlad III - Accounts

    ID: 01 [screens] 6$
    1x 5* Servant: Vlad III
    2x 4* Servant: Marie Antoinette, Heracles
    Craft Essences: Angel's Song x2, The Imaginary Element x2, Verdant Sound of Destruction x2

    ID: 12 [screens] 6$
    1x 5* Servant: Vlad III
    2x 4* Servant: Atalante, Martha
    Craft Essences: Angel's Song x3, Iron-Willed Training, Projection


    Contacts :

    - PM me here
    - message me with the
    line App, my ID: letsza . (recommend, fastest)
    Discord. username: Lets#5224

    You can ask me any questions, wont be having new stock for a while.

    Payment via Paypal only.

    I can capture screens from the ID to prove that the account is legit.

    *Note : Please Change Password After You Received The Account For Your Safety
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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