Sold /selling na/eu android. march hare, the embrace, white truffle, haru, kim etc

Discussion in 'Identity V Accounts for Sale' started by wispydreams, 7/12/21.

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  1. wispydreams

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    this account has an active dmm that can be transferred with use of a mm (a mm is required if i am to trade or sell this). i’m quite attached to this account so i’ll be relatively picky with offers. i’m mainly looking to trade but if you offer a good enough price i may sell!

    i won’t accept -
    asia or ios offers
    other game offers
    deactivated dmm
    skins from s13 and above

    i’d like to keep crimson bride and kim if possible but it all depends on what you offer :]]...

    /selling na/eu android. march hare, the embrace, white truffle, haru, kim etc
    #1 wispydreams, 7/12/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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