After a few years of playing I got bored, don't really have use for the account, figured I'd try to get back some of the money I wasted on this game Images: Show Content lvl 90 Dreadlord 8/9 RS[Blue] Ciel No Earring HAO Cloak Ciel 8/8 El Search [Dark] Lu + Acc Sword Has all skill slots unlocked. Has all locked skills unlocked. Adult Thanatos with fetch aura Lord Baal Mount Marriage Skill Lvl 65 Arme Thamatu 9/9 AP Ain Has HA unlocked. Price: $200 USD through Paypal, price is #. The accounts Email will be given to you for full access to the account. Please Contact me for more information or interest in the account. Discord is the easiest way to contact me, otherwise pm me here, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Discord: Sworn#8518