Only accepting Paypal payments! Ask me if you want to know more info. Some character may not have a description, if you want to know about them ask. Have spent over $700 on this account on cash items. Been active since near the end of S2 El Resonance level is around 90 Lv. 99 T.Dreadlord - Oath Of Ruin - 6/6 Evil Tracer 2 - 2 SR Wings - Ignition Caligo Tail - Ciel HL Seal - Many other items mall / Event costumes - +10 Perkisas Unique weapon (saged) - +9 Apocalypse Type Void Weapon (saged) - 2/2 Heroic Vision / 2/2 Heroic Wrath (Partly saged) - Eltrion Legend (Wind) Earrings and Ring - 9 Pets - 8 Mounts - Model Pose for Ciel / Lu stance - Battle Honed Ciel Stance - Gymnastic Exercise Lu Stance - Classic Maid and Butler Skill cut-in - Trump Bunny skill Cut-in - Fearsome Beginner Skill cut-in - El'lywood red carpet Lu/Ciel -Moonlight Dream -Stump of memories - Elrios Beach chair Lv. 99 T.Apostasia - +9 Henir 4D weapon - Chibi Costume Lv.90 T.Tactical Trooper Lv.48 Code Electra Lv.95 T. Arme Lv. 95 T.Sakra Devanam Lv, 99 T.Rune Slayer Lv, 74 Grand Master Lv. 88 Grand Master Lv. 95 T. Lunatic Psyker Lv. 93 T. Diabolic Esper Lv. 95 T. Demonio Lv. 90 T. Yama Raja Lv. 91 T.Deadly Chaser Lv. 86 T. Infinity Sword Lv. 90 T. Blade Master Lv. 75 Blazing Heart Lv.72 Iron Paladin Lv. 90 T. MasterMind Lv. 91 T. Dreadlord Lv. 62 Elemental Master Lv. 75 T. Veteran Commander Lv. 90 T. Crimson Avenger Lv. 91 Freyja I am also selling a KR Elsword account if anyone is interested.