Selling NA Account- geared/cheap! ([email protected])

Discussion in 'Dragon Nest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Khayder, 1/7/17.

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  1. Khayder

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    I am interested in selling my dragon nest north america account. A cursory list of what the account contains:

    -Geared 93 gladiator (picture posted)
    -geared 93 lunar knight
    -level 90 raven, reaper, crusader, barbarian, and another gladiator.
    -half of the light cubes needed to make a genesis ring
    -assorted costume pieces (1 epic set for warrior + synth attempts + swords + alt costume sets)
    -some RDNL wraths
    -some IDNL wraths
    -Unique crafting materials

    Think of it like this. A decent/active player with many long term projects in progress decided to quit. Half the work is done for you!

    The 93 glad is geared, with +10 RDNL equips, high stat epic costume pieces, and a few third str crests.

    Cost: 270$ (for now, may go up if stats increase substantially)

    Email me at [email protected] for specific info about the account. Will not post pictured without UI lest somebody recognizes me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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