Sold Selling NA Account Combo 4OS characters

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Koniiki, 3/2/17.

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  1. Koniiki

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    I'm selling my account because I don't have time to play anymore.
    The account has been played since the first day and has title "Midnight Beater"
    Have 30 md left, still have 3 chapter left on hard mode main story.
    - Characters: OS Asuna lvl100, OS Kirito lvl85, OS Silica lvl80, OS Liz lvl80, Vice Asuna (Medal gacha), SAO Silica lvl85, Strea.
    - Weapon: 2 OS Guns, 2 OS Swords, 1 OS Rapier, 2 OS Daggers, 3 OS Axe, Seven's rod, ALO Asuna's rod, Lightning Asuna's rapier, some others 4* gacha weapons and a bunch of 3* gacha weapons.
    Please offering me your best price s/o $150.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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