Selling an account with bound items only. These items will allow you to put minimal effort into gearing the remainder of the armor slots and be a top competitor in any server. The items include: Baby Wyvern Mount Mythic T7 Greatsword Mythic T7 Katana & Epic Frozen Anguish Legendary T7 Bow Legendary T7 Chest Legendary T7 Pants Epic Battlerage Instrument (+1 Battle Focus) Eternal Costume & Undies @ 100% Legendary Erenor Cloak (Atk Speed / Crit Dmg) Titanwing Glider (this thing is amazing) Full Mythic Black Pearl Galleon (Large Cals & Naval Cannons) Full Mythic Merch w/ P2W Storage Mythic / Legendary Clipper Ravenspine Wings Sloth Glider Epic Serp Dagger MS Nodachi Most mounts & other misc gliders Many useful pets (bloomfang, lavaspark) Looking to get ballpark offers of 50% market value of the equipped items. I'm willing to just take a loss for all the other stuff. Msg me on Skype at Jayfutbol or PM here. Thanks!