[Selling] [Mystel] Full guile +12 sorcerer and lancer, 1.2kk gold, Veteran, 30d TC

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kurowish, 12/20/16.

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  1. kurowish

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    Hello, today I wish to present you my account with sorcerer and lancer on MYSTEL EUROPE SERVER. They're both able to do every dungeon in tera. This account has 30 days of tera club until 17.01.2016! . This is also veteran account.

    This account has 1.2kk GOLD. In total it has over 1 200 000 gold! Separately this gold (by the average price of playerup sellers) is worth 0.15€/k = 180€!!!! In my auction it is much, much cheaper!
    This account has also 65 lvl ninja on Killian server, but it is ungeared character, so the bests of this account are sorc and lancer.

    Info about sorcerer:
    - 65 lvl Elin 423 ilvl
    - server: EU, Mystel
    - +12 Guile Weapon 9.3%ENR, 9.3%ENR, 7.2%CDR, 6.9% DMG from behind with +12 crit etching
    - +12 guile gloves 9 crit/5 power/2.25% attack speed, +12 crit etching
    - Guile Belt 6 crit 3 power
    - +12 Guile armor +10% dmg meteor strike, 6.9% dmg reduction from front, -10% enr. dmg, +6% healing
    - +12 guile boots +4 endurance/6% mov. speed/24% decrease slowing effect, with Relentles III etching - +5k hp
    - Quatrefoil Brooch 3 power/6 crit
    - Elegant Sporty Linen Underwear (12 crit)
    - 3x manor/2x shadow accesory
    - full master glyphs unlocked
    - RMH skilled
    - skin for weapon "book of knowledge", armor skin "dyeable elin gangster moll costume", "black horn rimmed glasses"

    Info about lancer:
    - 65 lvl High Elf Male
    - +12 guile weapon 9.3% enr, 8.6% aggro dmg, 4.5% attack speed, 6% dmg, with energetic II etching - +2.5% atk speed, 2% cooldown reduction
    - +12 guile armor +15% dmg spring attack, ref. 7.2% dmg to atk, frontal reduction 6.9%, decrease dmg by 8.7% with the most aggro
    - +12 guile gloves, 9 crit/2.25% attack speed/5 power, energetic II etching +2.5% atk speed, 2% cooldown reduction
    - +12 boots endurance +4, 2%mp/5s, slowing effect -24%
    - Guile Belt 6 crit/2 power
    - Elegant Sporty Linen underwear +12 crit
    - Quaatrefoil Brooch 6 crit / 3 power
    - 2 shadow/3 manor accesory
    - has all master glyphs for glyphs that lancer needs

    Items in bank:


    More screens are available there:
    Sorcerer (full album on imgur): Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
    Lancer (full album on imgur): Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet


    Feel free to priv me on this forum or send me msg through skype: peter.mad5

    We can negotiate about price. My nickname on playerup is kurowish, I have 9x100% reputation there.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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