Selling  Europe  Level 100 or Higher  5 or Higher Selling my wt account lvl 100 about 7 faction on it

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by werwolf1940, 7/17/21.

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  1. werwolf1940

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    My Location:
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    4 years of service in wt - nice K/D and service record - cool for pro players
    6 faction: (usa - germany - ussr - great britain - japan - france - sweden) only usa germany and soviet nicely researched
    silver lion: 14.870.051
    premium account : 332 days
    34 premium vehicles: (usa 5 - germany 11 - ussr 4 - great britain 3 - japan 2 - italy 2 - france 3 - sweden 4)
    nations :
    usa: full ground toptier (fully upgraded main tanks) and half air units with some toptier
    germany: full ground top tier (fully upgraded and aced main tanks) and full air top tier (only new f4f phantom not researched)
    ussr: top tier all main tanks researched only tank destroyer tree not researched
    great britain: only ground half researched until rank VI the max br is 10.0 challenger mk3 and air until rank vi not fully
    japan: only ground low midtier until 4.7 not fully
    france: only ground until rank v max br 7.7 +half techtree researched max br with premium vehicle 9.0 and air only premium vehicle 9.0
    sweden: ground until rank iv max br 7.3 with premium vehicle 9.0 and air low tier until rank III max br 3.7 with premium vehicle 8.7

    list of premium vehicles:
    usa: ground( T14, T55E1 , T54E1) air(spitfire LF Mk iXc , A2D1)
    germany: ground( Nb.Fz , , Pzkfw.Churchill , VFW , Pz.Bef.Wg.Vi P , Tiger 2 (H) Sla.16) air( Ar196 A-3 , P47-D , Ju288 C) bluewater fleet( Z25)
    ussr: ground( BT7-F32 , SU-85A , T55AM-1) air( P63A-5)
    great britain: ground( Strv 81 (Rb52) ) air( Hellcat Mk II, Wyvern S4 )
    japan: only ground( Chi-nu II )
    italy: air( Ro57 Quadriama ) Coastal Fleet( Freccia P-493 )
    france: ground( cancer EBR 1945 , AMX30 Super ) air( Vautour IIA IDF )
    sweden: ground( Ikv73 , CV90105 TML ) air( Mörkö-morane , J29D)

    payment method : paypal
    for question and more add or send me massage in discord : ChadSteiner#4685
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