Selling Selling my warframe account with 537h on it...

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daniele Guttadauro, 1/10/17.

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  1. Daniele Guttadauro

    Daniele Guttadauro
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    Selling my warframe account with 537h on it MR12 for 100 €: Warframes 12: Ash Prime,Chroma,Equinox,Excalibur,Frost,Limbo,Loki Prime,Nezha,Nyx Prime,Rhino Prime,Trinity Prime,Valkyr and Volt Prime All of them are level 30 with a reactor in them and they've been formed already 1 or 2 times. Primary weapons: Dex SybariS,Dread,Sancti Tigris,Soma Prime,Synapse (lvl 18),Tonkor,all of em with a reactor except for synapse. Secondary weapons: Lex Prime and Vaykor Marelok,both lvl 30 formed and with a reactor in them Melee: Broken scepter(0),Broken war,dragon nikana,dual ichor,jat kittag,karyst,niakana prime,orthos prime.scindo prime,redeemer,war all of them formed with a reactor and level 30 except for broken scepter ofc. Got some syandanas and 1 color pallette. The price can be traded IF INTERESTED PM ME Thank you very much for your attention ^^
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