Selling Selling my SWTOR account. 8 chars 60 lvl.

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vulpinaro, 5/1/15.

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  1. vulpinaro

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    Selling my SWTOR account.

    Server: The Red Eclipse.
    Legacy: 50 lvl.
    Have all DLC.
    Collected datacrons on all characters.
    3 strongholds.
    Max reputation with different coalitions.
    Many titles.
    1 free char transfer.
    All comps affection at max.
    19.5 mil credits.
    689 cartel coins.

    Sith Juggernaut: 60 lvl.
    186 tank gear, 192/198 dps gear.
    Crew skills: biochem 500, slicing 500, bioanalys 500.

    Sith Sorcerer: 60 lvl.
    192/198 dps gear.
    Crew skills: armormech 500, scavenging 500, investigation 500

    Mercenary: 60 lvl.
    186/192/198 dps gear. Have PVP gear.
    Crew skills: Artifice 500, Archeology 500, underworld trading 500

    Sniper: 60 lvl.
    186 dps gear.
    Crew skills: armstech 500, scavenging 500, Investigation 500

    Jedi Guardian: 60 lvl.
    192/198 dps gear.
    Crew skills biochem 500, bioanalys 500, scavenging 500

    Jedi Sentinel: 60 lvl.
    192/198 dps gear
    Crew skills Slicing 500

    Jedi Shadow: 60 lvl.
    192/198 dps gear.
    Crew skills: cybertech 500, bioanalys 500, diplomacy 500

    Vanguard: 60 lvl.
    186/192 gear.
    Crew skills: scavenging 500, bioanalys 500, archeology 500

    Price 200$ this is very good price for this account (paypal or webmoney)

    I'm the first and only player on this account, I provide ALL the information about account. If You'll need any screenshots or additional info contact me through skype: s2575463212
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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