Selling Selling my swfc account cheap

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sarryn, 7/26/17.

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  1. Sarryn

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    Hi I'm looking to sell my swfc level86 account. I have the following 5* cards:
    anakin Tco evo1 non tradeable
    anakin dual wield base x1
    obi wan Jedi master awakened sk40 non tradable
    obi wan mentor nontradable base x1
    qui gon jinn awakened nontradable
    jabba base x2
    padme saw base x1
    old boba gold awakened
    boba dfh emax
    wedge base x1 nontradable
    han solo emax x1
    han solo awakened x1
    han solo awakened nontradable x1
    han solo sfh emax x2
    han solo quick draw emax sk25 x1
    han solo hs base x1
    luke awakened x1
    luke jk sk40 x1
    leia sniper base x1
    leia sniper sk40 x2
    leia sniper emax x1
    leia speeder chase emax sk25
    general organa base x1
    leia princess emax sk30 x1
    lando emax x1
    lando awakened x1
    ackbar base x2
    old Rex base nontradable x1
    rex phase 2 base x1
    sabine wren emax sk36 x1
    old rey evo1 sk18 nontradable
    phasma base nontradable x1
    finn base nontradable x1
    JYN ERSO awakened sk50
    credits = 6015748
    Remotes = 114
    Level 5 u wing, x wing, b wing and falcon.
    + lots of4* base, emax and some awakened. Looking for a quick sale through PayPal. Let's discuss price.
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  2. PlayerUp

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