Sold Selling my STO account. Currently it has.. Level...

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dan Zatler, 5/27/14.

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  1. Dan Zatler

    Dan Zatler
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    Selling my STO account. Currently it has.. Level 50 Romulan KDF Tactical. Current Spec is Tactical, Engineering, with a little science. He is the captain of the Deus Mortem Scimitar Dreadnaught Warbird. He also comes with a Suliban Cell Ship for all your crafting and Duty Officer needs. His Duty Officer roster is only at 100, but has a few Very Rares, several Rares and Uncommons, and many common ones as well. As for reputations, he is Tier 2 in the Borg faction, but has the Omega Sponsorship, so gains exp twice as fast, and Tier 2 in New Romulus faction. He has a shared bank account, so you can transfer items between characters on the same account. He also has 27,217,289 EC and 114,026 refined Dilithium. On the same account is my Level 50 Human Federation Tactical officer. He is the captain of the Eternity of Pain, a Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier. He also has a Stalker Fighter shuttle. He as a total Duty Officer Capacity of 300, with 270 spots filled with many Very Rares, Rares, and several Uncommons and commons. He is Tier 2 in Dyson Joint Command rep, Tier 3 in New Romulus rep, Tier 2 in Nukara Strikeforce, and Tier 5 in Task Force Omega. He has 84 inventory slots, and 96 bank slots. This is NOT a lifetime subscription account. Due to the changing costs of accounts, I ask that you make me an offer. A reasonable one please. Message me on Facebook if you're interested, or if you have more questions, and as always, you're not buying the account from me, just paying me for my time put in to the game, and the Zen purchases I've made.
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  2. OP
    Çam Çole

    Çam Çole
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    would you trade it for a warframe account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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