Sold Selling my roblox account cuz why not

Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by /u/Acceptable_Cod_6094, 7/15/22.

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  1. /u/Acceptable_Cod_6094

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    roblox account (mostly girl items). Please message me on discord for more information and if your interested (Molly#9857). The full account worth is 32,766 robux ($409.58 USD dollars) But im selling it for a price range of 30-50 dollars in ONLY Apple gift card RULES- You will have to give me the card code first. Please understand that its only because I do not want to lose this account for nothing. Yes I have been scammed before and I know how that feels so I would never do that. After I will give you my account user and password, then you can do what you want with it! Im leaving Roblox so I just decided to give it away for pretty cheap. Thank you for understanding and please add my discord for more info or if your interested in buying! <3 - molly

    # #/Acceptable_Cod_6094
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