Selling  PS4   Non Legend Account  76-90 Overall Selling my main psn account

Discussion in 'NBA 2k Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by KING_DEDE, 10/4/17.

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    Has rocket league, arcade games:Galaga, the crew, Minecraft ps4 edition, salvation the last map pack for bo3, the starwars battlefront season pass. Also has lots of progress on lots of games beat nfs 2015 has a good garage, I have a level 40 titan in Destiny, I have a level 81-95 saiyan level 40-60 majin and a level 50-70 frieza race on Dragon ball xenoverse 2, I have a 81 overall sharpshooter in nba 2k17 with 2/5 hof badges, level 31 veteran in rocket league with alot of items and I'm level 38 in gta online with a base motorcycle club and more I'm sure I forgot please message Bo3_Type_Niggx on psn if you have questions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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