Sold Selling my LOTRO Account Lvl 105 Warden, Minstrel, Runekeeper, Hunter & more

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by umle, 5/26/17.

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  1. umle

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    Unfortunately I don't have time anymore to play on LOTRO and so I would like to sell my precious account with lots of characters on it.

    I got the following characters and features on my account:

    Lvl 105 Warden r8 (Name: Catalina)
    Lvl 105 Hunter r7 (Name: Fangorlos)
    Lvl 105 Rune-Keeper r2 (Name: Xolla)
    Lvl 105 Minstrel (Name: Kittykats)
    Lvl 54 Burglar r2 - (Name: Drunkensailor)
    Lvl 9 Loremaster - (Name: Fellegost)

    PS. Every lvl 105 character (except the Hunter) is ready to do the ToDT t2c raid.

    Rank 8 Stalker (Name: Riverstalker)max dps traits equipped
    Rank 7 Reaver (Name: Fangorklos) max dps traits equipped
    Rank 2 weaver

    SERVER: All characters are on Evernight

    I've got all expansion packs except:
    Isengard (excl. isengard instances)
    West gondor, Central gondor
    North downs

    I should have 80% of the instances unlocked incl. Draigoch!

    Amount of current t. points: 1175 t. points
    Amount of gold: ~400g (over 20k+ worth of essences)

    If you have any interest to buy the account send me an email
    or skype
    [email protected]

    My offer: 125$ PayPal or bitcoin (Cheap considering that it is a account with a lifetime of 5 years, has tons of golden essences, high end gear jewellery, pvp ready characters
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