Sold Selling my League account. --Its currently...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Andrew Lee, 9/27/13.

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  1. Andrew Lee

    Andrew Lee
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    Selling my League account. --Its currently diamond 5 with 0 lp --Has all the champions and runes --20 Rune Pages --Has several skins such as: -Unchained Alistar -Safari Caitlyn (Limited Skin) -Mr Mundoverse (Limited Skin) -Traditional Karma (Limited Skin) -Victorious Janna (Limited Skin) -Judgement Kayle (Limited Skin) -Headless Horse-man Hecarim (Limited Skin) -Dragon Fist Lee -Astro Nautilus -Riot Girl Tristana -Leopard Nidalee -TPA Ezreal (Limited Skin) -TPA Orianna (Limited Skin) -Haunted Maokai (Limited Skin) -Traditional Sejuani -Dragon Slayer -Traditional Trundle (Limited Skin) -Surfer Singed -Arcade Sona -Gu Qin Sona -Shamrock Malphite (Limited Skin) -Championship Riven (Limited Skin) Here is some proof: Cash Only Buy It now: 800 Current Offer: 0 Will give all the information needed to change your email pass and everything else that is needed.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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