Selling Selling my Fifa 18 coins post cheap .!!

Discussion in 'FIFA Ultimate Team Coins for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Tkchong07, 12/9/17.

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  1. Tkchong07

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    Done with this game spent 100 $ open 100k pack yesterday tried to get totgs player ended best player was 84 rated player .I have 3m worth of player including 1 untradeable prime rui Costa ,about 1k player in the club ,special kit as well .My psn include ps plus sub until 18 December ,NBA 2k live 18 shaq legend edition ,shadow of mordor,call of duty ww 2,the witcher 3 game of the year ,batman akhram knight ,metal gear solid 5 .

    Selling :Fifa coins 11$ per 100k .210$ take all ( around 2.2m after I sell all my players in the club ) Psn :350$ price is # ,really do prefer to sell my psn
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