Selling my exclusive account

Discussion in 'Fortnite Other Accounts | FN Accounts Sale' started by /u/ParisianPhoenix, 12/29/24.

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  1. /u/ParisianPhoenix

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    Hey guys,

    I want to sell my fn account for 900€ #. I have been playing since the beginning of chapter one, I have spent over 2500€ on fn over the years and have several exclusive skins like dark vertex, rogue knight, iconic, the minty pickaxe and many more (happy to provide further details, pictures ecc.).

    If you are interested, please contact me under [email protected]. I'm happy to provide proof of ownership as well as further information or details and ofc I'll answer any questions. Note that the account could be resold for much more, but unfortunately I don't really know where else to begin, so if someone knows how, they can probably make a great profit buying and reselling it.

    # #/ParisianPhoenix
    # .
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