Selling selling my apb acc for 420$ criminal max rank 4 or...

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mirco Höltig, 12/14/15.

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  1. Mirco Höltig

    Mirco Höltig
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    selling my apb acc for 420$ criminal max rank 4 or 5 char slots 15 days premium to activate 8 or 9 cars from armas with some kits (write me for screens and details) 500k $ ingame cash bloody marry, bullshark, nano and huntress legendarys patriot server 3 permanent weapons charbinded I spent like 600$ or more for the game „grin“-Emoticon only playing csgo now I accept any csgo skin over 350$ and I also sell the ingame weapons only for csgo skins if interested write me „smile“-Emoticon
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  2. Saramba

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    im interested can you skype me? sgt.cookie12345654321
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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